Pashinyan: master plan for Academic Campus completed

YEREVAN, August 28. /ARKA/. The master plan for the Academic Campus is complete, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced on Wednesday.
The campus, which will cover an area of 580 hectares, is set to host around 44,000 researchers, scientists, and students from both Armenia and abroad. It will accommodate eight state-run and eight more international or private universities, all within a modern "green" technology environment.
Pashinyan emphasized that this research and educational environment will also serve as a national hub for intellectual and sports activities. He mentioned that details of the Academic Campus project will be presented on various occasions and in different formats in the near future.
The concept for the master plan of the Academic Campus, which will consolidate all universities and research institutes in Armenia, is being developed by the German company gmp International GmbH Architects and Engineers. The plan was presented in April 2024.
The main site for the Academic Campus will be located in the 17th district on the northwestern outskirts of Yerevan, extending beyond the city to a vacant area in the village of Sasunik in Aragatsotn Province and eastward towards the Ashtarak Highway. The campus will also encompass the Hayfilm studio.
According to the schedule, design work will begin this year, with phased construction starting in 2025. The first students are anticipated to begin their studies at the campus in 2030.