Permanent population of Armenia increased in 2024, exceeding 3 million people
According to the latest census data based on the 2022 population census, the permanent population of Armenia as of January 1, 2025, was 3,075.8 thousand people, compared to 2,991.2 thousand people as of January 1, 2023.Armenia's unemployment drops 9.3%, hired workers rise 5.6% in September - Ministry of Finance
The number of officially registered unemployed in Armenia decreased by 9.3% in September, while the number of hired workers increased by 5.6% to 776,814, mainly due to the growth in the number of workers in the construction, trade, and education sectors.Cargo transportation in Armenia drops 11.7% over nine months, while passenger transportation rises 19.8%
The total volume of cargo transportation in Armenia reached over 12 million tons in January-September 2024, marking an 11.7% decrease compared to the same period in 2023. Meanwhile, total passenger transportation exceeded 162.9 million people, reflecting a 19.8% increase, according to the National Statistical Committee.Armenian government to cut the number of ministries by one
According to a draft law "On the structure and activity of the Armenian government", being currently discussed by lawmakers, the number of ministries in the new government will be reduced from 18 to 17, Justice Minister David Harutyunyan said at an extraordinary meeting of the Armenian National Assembly today.News 1 - 20 of 22
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