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“Yerevan-Jur” calls for waiting the results of investigation for detecting the guilties of outburst of intestinal infection

11.06.2011, 01:11
Operator of water supply in Yerevan, the company Yerevan-Jur can not name the reasons and guilties of outburst of intestinal infection till the end of investigation on this case.
YEREVAN, June 10. /ARKA/. Operator of water supply in Yerevan, the company Yerevan-Jur can not name the reasons and guilties of outburst of intestinal infection till the end of investigation on this case, says Director of Communications and Client Relations of Yerevan-Jur Gagik Markaryan.

From June 3 to June 7 about 60 patients with intestinal disorders were taken to Yerevan hospital “Nork”. According to Health Ministry of Armenia, the reason of the outburst of infection is causative agent of dysentery (S flexneri 3a) and enterovirus. In this regard, a case was instituted in Erebuni police investigation department based on the article 279 of criminal code (production or consumption of goods, implementation of activities or provision of
services not corresponding to the requirements of life security or health of consumers).

“Yerevan-Jur” is not the organization which is entitled to deny or approve something. Water and tubes are taken for investigation. Specialists will announce the results of investigation which will allow to name the guilties”, said Markaryan.

Water supply in Nubarashen district is implemented from Garni water canal which provides water to 12-13% of Yerevan. “Nubarashen is not limited by the 11th street and there were no problems in other streets… They had local problems”, said Markaryan.

From June 3 till now, the remaining volume of chlorine was in the norm in water – 0.34 milligram which excludes the existence of intestinal bacillus in water.

He presented the situation in 2120 km water supply network operated by the company.

During the last 10 years, 133 km or 6.3% networks were changed. “There is physical depreciation of water supply network. Average age of tubes is 40 years and there are sections with very old tubes”, said Markaryan. According to calculations, $600 million will be needed for reconstruction of the whole system. He said that during the last 10 years, World Bank and the company have invested $40 million for reconstruction.

The company Yerevan-Jur implements tough control over the water quality.

CJSC “Yerevan-Jur” is resident of Armenia which was founded by French company Generale des Eaux. In 2005 it won the tender announced by the World Bank for leasing “Yerevan Water Channel” for 10 years.

The company has a right to manage the water system of Yerevan with the aim of provision of drinking water, water drain and waste water also in Ararat, Aragatsotn and Kotayk regions of Armenia.

“Yerevan-Jur” has 339 369 subscribers. Water supply network of the company stretches for 2120 km. --0--